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Privacy policy

1. Data controller

The controller of the data you provide is FLOKATI UAB, company code 302489952, registered office address Mituvos st. 5, Kaunas. LT-50134. Tel. no.: +370 633 11550, e-mail address:

2. Purposes of the Privacy Policy

2.1. This privacy policy sets out the basic rules for the collection, accumulation, processing and, storage of your data, other information related to you, the scope, purposes, sources, recipients and, other important aspects of the processed personal data when you use the Administrator’s services. Therefore, it is recommended to analyze the provisions of this privacy policy in detail and always familiarize yourself with the current version.

2.2. The administrator respects the inviolability of your private life and makes every reasonable effort to ensure the security and confidentiality of processed data and other information. The administrator uses appropriate legal, organizational, technical and, physical security measures to protect data and other information from accidental or illegal destruction, alteration, disclosure, as well as from any other illegal processing. The personal data collected by the administrator is processed following the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania, the General Data Protection Regulation (since its entry into force), and, other legal acts. All employees of the Administrator, representatives, and employees of representatives who learn the secret of personal data must protect it even after the end of the employment or contractual relationship.

2.3. All information that you provide to the Administrator is provided by the principles of voluntariness and correctness and completeness of the information. By submitting your data, you agree that your pesonal data will be processed in the manner and for the purposes set out in this privacy policy.

Purposes of data processing

3.1. Your data is collected and processed for the following purposes:

3.1.1. Sales of goods/services in the electronic store;

3.1.2. For direct marketing purposes.

3.1.3. To improve our products with the help of your opinion and experience;

3.2. The administrator has the right to use the collected personal data for internal administration purposes:

3.2.1. To speed up the operation and functionality of the Administrator’s website, to better understand user needs, improve services, etc.

3.2.2. also if you voluntarily provide the Administrator with your data for a specific reason, the Administrator may use the personal data for the purpose for which it was provided, for example, if you contact the Administrator by e-mail, submitting a request for products on the Administrator’s page, the Administrator uses the data provided by you to provide an answer to your question, to solve the problem that has arisen, and to respond to the specified e-mail address or other specified contact data.

3.3. The administrator will inform you if, in certain cases, there is a need to use your data for purposes other than those specified in this privacy policy.

Managed data and their sources, data provision

4.1. To sell goods/services in the online store, the following data about you are collected and processed: name, surname, e-mail address, phone number (as an identification code in the loyalty program), purchase history, and address.

4.2. For direct marketing, the following data of yours are collected and processed: name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number.

4.3. Your data is collected from the following sources: Your own, payment service providers (who make your payments to the Administrator)

4.4. Recipients of your data: Your data is not provided to other recipients.

4.5. Designate your data processor:

4.5.1. Automatic e-newsletter sending companies.

4.5.2. Electronic live chat program companies.

Communications and Marketing

5.1. You will receive advertising information only from us and only if you voluntarily agree to receive news during registration on the website by ticking the appropriate box, as well as by filling out loyalty forms in the physical stores of Flokati UAB by voluntarily checking the box of consent to receive news in a certain form: by e-mail or SMS by message.

5.2. You can unsubscribe from our newsletters and remove your contacts from our contact list at any time by clicking on the link at the very bottom of the e-newsletter or by replying to a promotional e-mail. a letter with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line of the letter or by e-mail or by calling +370 633 11 550.

5.3. We will ensure that your personal information is removed from our mailing list and databases within a certain legal deadline.

Your rights

6.1. I am informed and aware of my rights:

6.1.1. Regarding the implementation of the data subject’s rights, I can contact the Administrator using the above contact details;

6.1.2. I have the right to contact the supervisory authority regarding the processing of my data;

6.1.3. I have the right to object to my personal data being processed for direct marketing purposes without stating the reasons for the objection;

6.1.4. I have the right to request the termination of my data processing (delete data) when the data is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained. You must submit a written notice of objection to the processing of personal data to the Administrator in person, by mail or by means of electronic communications. If your disagreement is legally justified, the Administrator immediately terminates the processing of personal data without compensation, except for the cases established by legal acts;

6.1.5. If I believe that my personal data, which are being processed, are incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate, I have the right to contact the Administrator about my personal data and/or stop their processing. The administrator immediately informs you about the correction, destruction or suspension of personal data carried out or not carried out at your request;

6.1.6. I have the right to receive my personal data free of charge from the Administrator in accordance with the procedure established by the legal acts in force in Lithuania. The administrator, upon receiving your written request, submits the requested data in writing within the deadline set by legal acts or indicates the reasons for refusing to fulfill such a request;

6.1.7. I have the right, after submitting a document confirming my personal identity (this requirement does not apply when the submitted request is signed with a secure electronic signature or when the answer is sent to you by registered mail), to get acquainted with my personal data processed by the Administrator and to receive information from which sources and which have been collected by my person, for what purpose they are processed and to whom they are provided or may be provided.

Cookies and Traffic

7.1. The administrator can use cookies on his website. Cookies are small files sent to your web browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies are transferred to your computer when you first visit the website and are later used to identify your computer to facilitate your access to this website and the information it contains. By using the website, you agree to these cookie rules.

7.2. If you DO NOT agree to cookies being saved on your computer or another end device, you can change your internet browser settings and disable all cookies or enable/disable them one by one. Please note that in some cases this may slow down your browsing speed on the website, limit the operation of certain website functions, or block access to the website.

7.3. This page uses Google’s analysis tool Google Analytics, which collects information about your IP address, visit time, duration, and viewed internal pages of the website and actions performed on them. The information generated by the cookie about your actions on the website will be transferred to and stored on Google’s servers in the USA. This information is used to provide a report on website usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors.

7.4. The cookie named UID collects information about the sessions made by the visitor on the page, the features of the use of the page, and follows the behavior of the page visitor to identify and resolve disturbances that may have occurred while browsing the website. UID cookie is used by Lucky Orange to maintain a live chat on the website with the visitor. Data collected by this program is stored for 30 days. and are subsequently automatically deleted.

Prices of goods

The price of the goods after the order has been confirmed by the Seller cannot change, except in cases where the price of the goods has changed due to a technical error in the information systems, the correction of obvious (inadvertent) errors, or other objective and essential reasons beyond the control of the Seller (in the presence of evidence supporting these reasons). If in this case, the Buyer does not agree to purchase the product at a new price, the Buyer may cancel the order by informing the Seller about this within 2 (two) working days. Upon cancellation of the order by the procedure provided for at this point, all amounts paid by the Buyer are returned to his bank account.

Final Provisions

9.1. The Administrator reserves the right to change the provisions of the Privacy Policy at any time, and such changes shall take effect from their publication on the website.

9.2. These provisions of the Privacy Policy are governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.

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